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Residence permit with the right to work under a contract in Spain

Employment residence or por cuenta ajena is far from the most popular way to move, as it is very difficult for both the employer and the potential foreign employee.

The first is to find a company that will take responsibility and provide a contract and a job. It is difficult for residents in Spain to do this, and even more so when they are outside of the country.

The second difficulty is the presentation of a large number of requirements to the employer himself. Therefore, few people are ready to hire a person from another country.

But still, you should not write off this type of Spanish residence and consider it against the background of other residence permits.

Obtaining this residence takes place in 3 stages:
1 – Preparation of documentation by the employer
2 – Applying for a visa at the Consulate of Spain
3 – Entry into the country

1. Initial stage by the employer

Perhaps one of the most difficult, since the following stages depend on it. Unemployment in Spain is high, therefore, in order to hire a foreign company, it is important to take into account the current labor market and get into the list of special professions. This directory is updated quarterly in each province.
If the specialty is not included in this list, then the employer must prove the absence of similar employees in the country.

In addition, the employer must show:
— Sufficient amount of financial resources to run the business and fulfill obligations to the employee
– An annual contract signed by both parties. If part-time work is implied, then the salary should not be lower than the minimum wage (965 euros from September of this year)
– Register for social security and be in no debt

On the other hand, the employee must meet the requirements for fulfilling future obligations.

If successful, the future worker receives a preliminary work and residence permit.

2. Registration of a residence permit by an employee

Within 1 month after obtaining a prior permit, the employee must submit documents to the Spanish Consulate or diplomatic mission:
– A completed application form
– foreign and domestic passport
– Certificate of no criminal record
— Medical certificate
– Work and residence permit
— A copy of the contract with the seal of the migration service

3. Entering Spain

Upon arrival, he/she has a month to submit documents for fingerprints and start working.

After the first year of this residence permit, the employee has the right to both extend and modify to work as an individual entrepreneur.

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