Student Visa: Modifications in Spain

Spain is famous not only for its comfortable climate, food and cultural heritage, but also for its high level of education. A decent selection of prestigious universities, business schools and language courses attracts international students to study in the country.

But what to do when your student visa expires? Of course, you can renew the residence an unlimited number of times, there is no law prohibiting doing this. Or stay in the country illegally, which we also do not recommend.

There is another way out – modification of a residence permit in the country

1. Modification to a work visa for employment (Permiso de trabajo por cuenta ajena)

Initially, the employer must apply for a work permit for an employee who is in Spain on a student visa. If approved, the student’s residence can be converted to a working one.

Submission conditions:
– stay in Spain as a student for at least 3 years;
– successful completion of the training program;
– lack of scholarships and grants both in their own country and in the Kingdom;
– availability of an employment contract from a Spanish employer.

This paragraph has a number of features, in particular, speaking about the employer, who must:
– be registered in the register of the social insurance system;
– have no debts for taxes and social benefits;
– have the economic means to fulfill the obligations of the contract and cover the costs of the business itself;
– provide a contract signed by both parties, guaranteeing continuous employment for the entire period of validity of the visa (1 year). If the contract does not cover 40 hours per week, then it must include remuneration equal to or higher than the minimum wage for a full time.

If the employer is an individual, then he must confirm the availability of funds not only to fulfill the obligations of the contract, but also for his own residence in the country in the amount of 100% IPREM (564.90 euros).

At the same time, the employee himself must meet the skills and qualifications for performing potential work.

2. Modification for a residence permit with the right to work for oneself (Permiso de trabajo por cuenta propia)

The difference from the first type of permit is that you do not depend on the employer, since you yourself will be. Requirements for modification are identical to Por cuenta ajena with one difference – you do not need to provide an employment contract.

Instead, you need to fulfill 2 important conditions:
– prepare a competently drawn up Business Plan
– to confirm the solvency: the availability of funds not only for the opening and development of the project, but their residence in the amount of 100% IPREM

3. Modification for job search (Autorización de residencia para la búsqueda de empleo)

Ideal for those who are confident and do not want to wait 3 years before changing estancio pro estudios. But it is not for everyone. So, those who came to Spain for language courses should not count on this type of residence. But if you have completed at least level 6 education in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (i.e. graduates of a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree), then we recommend that you pay attention.

For modification you will need:
– confirmation of successful graduation;
– medical insurance in the country;
– availability of sufficient financial resources (100% IPREM).

It does not give you the right to work, but it allows you to stay in Spain for 12 months legally in order to find a job in accordance with the education you completed.

!!! But it is important to keep in mind: this residence is not subject to prolongation, but only modifications for a residence permit:
– with a permit with the right to work for hire
– with permission to work as an individual entrepreneur
– as a highly qualified specialist. Keep in mind that the permit will be tied to the company you work for, not to you. That is, when changing a company, you will have to reapply for this residence.

4. Modification by passing practice (Autorización de Residencia para Prácticas)

This type of permit is little known, but it can be a good alternative for both students who are in Spain and abroad.

A residence permit for an internship can be applied for by all those who received higher education 2 years before the date of application or who are just completing such education.
To do this, you need to demonstrate:
– higher education diploma for the last 2 years
– internship agreement

The undoubted advantage is that the permit can be submitted and processed within 30 days in electronic format.
For more information, sign up for a consultation with our specialists. We will not only analyze your current situation and select the best way to move, but also help you at all stages of the registration.

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