On January 3, 2025, a text of legislative amendments was published, including the abolition of…
Financial assistance for parents in Spain
Are you planning on growing your family this year? Then this article might be helpful for you. Here’s a look at the various benefits that you can count on from the Spanish government this year.
Let’s begin!
1. Assistance with birth or adoption
Young parents can apply for the Birth and Child Care Benefit during the rest periods established by law in connection with the child’s birth. This subsidy can also be requested in cases of adoption, custody or guardianship.
The subsidy will be received for 16 weeks of maternity and paternity leave in Spain. In the case of multiple pregnancies, an additional two weeks will be added for each child. In addition, this applies to a child born with a disability.
This assistance consists of a subsidy equivalent to 100% of the regulatory framework, which is equivalent to temporary disability received as a result of ordinary contingencies.
Parents in the case of employment or individual entrepreneurship. They also have to cover a minimum dropout period, which depends on their age.
2. Allowance for the birth of several children
This subsidy is a one-time payment to parents who have had two or more children. The amount depends on the number of children born or adopted.
To calculate the allowance, the minimum wage for the current year must be multiplied by 4 (with 2 children), 8 (3 children) or 12 (more than 3 children). If one of them was born with a physical or mental disability, the assistance is doubled.
Any parent who is legally residing in Spain (both Spanish and resident). It can be requested if a similar contribution has not been previously received from other government social safety nets.
3. Help for large families, single parents or disabled mothers.
A lump sum payment of 1000 euros in the event of the birth or adoption of a child in a large single-parent family or when the mother has a disability of 65% or more. The allowance does not apply in the case of guardianship.
Only parents whose income does not exceed the previously established level. In the case of a mother’s disability, the child must be born in Spain, and in the case of adoption, the procedure must be approved by the competent authorities of the country.
Both Spaniards and residents of Spain can apply for assistance if they have not applied for a similar subsidy from another state social protection system, except for:
– Help with caring for a child or minor
– Multiple birth or adoption allowance
– Childcare pension
– Contributions of local or autonomous administration
4. Allowance to ensure a living wage
From January 1 of this year, child benefits, including those with disabilities of less than 33%, are included in the minimum subsistence level (IMV). This is a monthly assistance calculated as the difference between all income and the guaranteed IMV.
Beneficiaries of a grant prior to last year will automatically receive an IMV. Social Security automatically replaces one aid for another without the need for additional procedures.
5. Deduction of 100 euros per month
This contribution of € 100 is for families with many children and can be withheld in the annual income statement (IRPF) in the amount of € 1200 or paid in cash on a monthly basis. The size is 200 euros for large families of a special category (5 or more children).
Large family with 2 or more children. You also need to be registered with the Social Security Service.
6. Assistance to working mothers who are employed or self-employed
Mothers can receive this assistance through an annual € 1,200 deduction from personal income tax until the child turns 3 years old. It is also possible to request an upfront bonus of € 100 per month for the same period.
In the case of adoption, the 3-year period begins after the completion of registration in the Civil Register.
7. Helping mothers with children in kindergarten
The grant is available to working mothers with a child under 3 years of age attending a kindergarten or other care facility. It is provided against a maximum annual deduction of € 1,000 for meals, registration and enrollment.
Self-employed mothers registered with social security.
8. Supplement to maternity pension
The bonus is paid in the form of a pension, which until now could only be received by women who had 2 or more children. The government have changed it, now it will apply from 1 child to a maximum of 4. In addition, parents will also be eligible for it.
The amount of the allowance was previously calculated as a percentage, which changed depending on the number of children, but now it will be fixed – 378 euros per year for each child.
This allowance will be provided to mothers and fathers who are eligible for a disability pension, retirement or widowhood.
If you would like more information about the financial assistance that is available to you as a parent, get in touch today. We will be happy to help you.
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