Many individuals decide to come to Spain, either for a short duration or to reside,…
Long Distance Relationship – How to Move to Spain 2021
Not every couple can withstand the distance test. Even the strongest feelings lose their newness, the emotional connection weakens, and communication on the Internet will never replace tight hugs and long conversations in real time.
According to statistics, many couples broke up in 2020 due to the inability to see each other. In this post, we will walk you through the family reunification process. We hope this will help the lovers overcome the distance and be together again.
Let’s compare the 2 most popular visas: family reunification with EU citizens and general regime.
Both options allow you to transport your partner to Spain, but the legal procedure and requirements are different.
Reunification in EU regime
Refers to those whose partner or close relative (e.g. son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother, stepfather, etc.) is citizens of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
The application for reunification can be either through the Spanish Consulate in your country of residence or directly in Spain. In this case, there is no obligation to comply with the visa regime: even being illegally in Spain, you can easily apply for this type of residence permit.
Who can move?
– spouse
– a co-living partner with whom the EU citizen maintains a stable documentary relationship for at least 1 year (we wrote about such couples in the article …)
– cohabitants officially registered in the relevant register of an EU country or EEA country (pareja de hecho)
– parents, both their own and the partner’s, dependent.
– own children and children of the partner under 21 years old, or over 21 years old, but living on the parents’ dependents.
– other family members who, at the time of application, can document that they are dependent or poor health and the need for care from the EU citizen or his family member.
For EU citizens, it is enough to provide an employment contract or proof of activity as an individual entrepreneur, confirming work activity. At the same time, the amount of wages does not matter.
If the EU citizen does not work, then it is enough to provide a certificate from the bank.
Permit validity period
Upon reunification with EU citizens, newcomers receive a card for a period of 5 years with the right to work, after which they can change for permanent residence.
It is possible only by obtaining an initial permit in Spain, and then you need to apply for the appropriate visa at the Spanish Consulate in your country. Under no circumstances should a person in favor of whom a residence permit is issued should violate the visa regime.
Who can move in a year?
– spouse
– own children and children of the partner under 18 years old.
Who canmove in 5 years?
– parents, both own and a partner, dependent, over 65 years old and when there is an urgent need to move.
It is necessary to show either an employment contract, or income or own funds at the rate of: 150% IPREM per person and for each additional family member an additional 50% IPREM is required.
Permit validity period
In the general mode, the period of stay is directly related to the validity period of the applicant’s card and the receipt of similar rights, including to work.
Of course, if you choose, then family members of EU citizens have clearly more rights than the general regime. But in spite of all the bureaucratic complexity of the general regime, the right choice to the eternal question “to whom to give a promise to love” should prompt, first of all, the HEART.
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