Residence permit without the right to work

One of the most demanded residence permits in Spain is the autorización de residencia no lucrativa, or as it is usually called, without the right to work. This residence permit allows you to live in Spain for more than 183 days a year, and also, which is especially important now, to move freely throughout the Schengen area. And despite its name, a year later, after the first extension of the card, you can also apply for the right to work – on the basis of a contract or on the basis of your own business project.

The time spent in Spain for this residence permit is taken into account for applying in the future for Spanish citizenship.

This type of residence is requested from the Spanish Consulate in your country of permanent residence. The review takes 1 to 3 months, but there are exceptions. On the basis of a positive decision, a D visa is pasted into the passport to enter Spain, where prints are already taken at the police station at the place of registration to obtain a resident card.

The first card is issued for 1 year, the second and third – for 2 years, the fourth for 5 years. After renewing the 5-year card, you can start the procedure for obtaining citizenship.


Since this residence does not initially give the right to work, the most important condition is:

  • Permanent income, preferably passive € 2.259.60 / month per applicant plus € 564.90 / month for each additional family member
  • Money in the account sufficient for living in Spain for 1 year 27.115.2 € / year for the applicant plus 6.778.8 € / year for each subsequent family member. ATTENTION during COVID 19, the consulate began to accept certificates from local banks instead of Spanish
  • Property owned or rented in Spain, minimum rental period 1 year
  • NIE number
  • Certificate of no criminal record with apostille and sworn translation
  • Medical insurance accredited in Spain with repatriation

In the carousel, you will find a general but not exhaustive list of documents that are required for submission.


One of the main reasons for refusal is the lack of funds. Now, for example, the Consulate does not respond very well to income from working activities in the Russian Federation, more and more Spanish authorities want to see passive income, such as, for example, income from renting real estate, receiving dividends, income from intellectual property, etc.

PSC verified information only

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