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Easing the Rules for Obtaining and Renewing a Residence Permit

The Spanish government has issued three orders that significantly “soften” the requirements for residence permits for settlement, family reunification and extension of residence permit.

At the moment, about 5 million migrants are officially living in Spain. In connection with the crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of them found themselves outside the “legal framework” to legally find and without the ability to fulfill the mandatory requisites for the renovation of documents. First of all, we are talking about income and the availability of an employment contract.

One of the important points is that the residence permits of those who are unemployed and whose only income is now the ERTE benefit, including the subsistence level, will be extended without the need to present a valid work contract.

The requirements for those who could not find work during these months are also softened.

Details such as confirmation of integration are also canceled.

All contracts terminated from March 1 are recognized as terminated for reasons beyond the control of the foreigner.

The entire period of the Alarm mode for the self-employed will also be counted, the reduction in working hours will be ignored, etc.

The orders not only relax measures for those who want to extend their residence permit, but also for those who are trying to get out of the “shadow” of illegal stay and can now reunite with their families in Spain.

For those who seek to regulate the situation of their relatives, the immigration service has always required to show a certain level of income, which is now significantly reduced.

From now on, economic benefits for social security, including paro (unemployment) payments or living wages are accepted as sufficient income: even if an applicant who wants to legalize his family members receives less than the minimum wage, it is enough that it is 80% (760 euros per month), and that the money is credited to the account. In practice, this means that an immigrant living with his wife and children in Spain, who has a stable income of 760 euros per month, including subsidies, can now apply for a family.

As for the residence permit for family reunification, the numbers have also changed. In particular, by reducing the income indicator (Iprem). The applicant must still have a job (allowed if it is suspended by the ERTE), but social assistance will count towards income. Instead of 100% Iprem, it is now necessary to have up to 60-75%. For example, prior to the order, a family consisting of a couple and two children required € 1,344.60 per month. Starting this week, 950 euros.

Detailed information and assistance in obtaining or renewing all residence permits in Spain, taking into account the new requirements, you can always get in our company. Contact Direct or go straight to the whatsapp correspondence using the link in the profile header.

You can find the original text of the documents here:

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