On November 20, 2024, the text of legislative amendments to the Regulation on the Rights…
Changes to Online Submission of Documents for Residence Permit
ince June 18, Spain has changed the rules for submitting documents online for individuals. Namely, the migration authorities have officially stopped accepting the initial applications submitted through the electronic register (REDSARA), as was the case earlier.
And starting from this date, only applications submitted through personal presence at the Extrancheria offices or by an authorized and authorized representative through the MERCURIO platform, to which only accredited specialists have access, as well as the applicants themselves with their electronic certificate, will be accepted.
This means that now it is possible to submit documents online only through the MERCURIO portal by professionals (hestors, lawyers), whose boards have signed Agreements with the Ministerio de Política Territorial and Función Pública, which gives the right to telematic administrative document flow on behalf of their clients.
We would like to remind you that the Migration Authorities of different provinces in Spain have made it possible to electronically submit initial applications, such as:
– Residence permit by residence
– Residence permit for reunification in the EU regime (see Residence permit for Love)
– Residence permit for children born in Spain
permit for family reunification in general mode – Student residence – Modification from a student card to a residence permit with the right to work
These innovations will not affect our clients, since ProSpain Consulting specialists are accredited lawyers and hestors, which is why our clients submit documents without leaving home, and their cases are considered as soon as possible.
We will be happy to advise you on the list of requisites for all residence permits and other administrative procedures that may be required by foreigners in Spain – living here or just planning to move.
+ 34 722 727 205 (all messengers)
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