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Educational institutions with a residence permit license for job search in Spain

We have prepared for you a list of educational institutions in Spain, whose graduates have the right
to obtain a residence permit for job search. The following educational centers, universities, and
Masters courses have a special license from the Ministry of Education of Spain.

So, once again, we recall that the Decree of September 4, 2018 amended the Law on Entrepreneurs
on 14/2013 of September 27, 2013, which made it possible for students immediately after
graduation or to apply for a residence permit to look for work for a period of 1 year.

IMPORTANT: The application deadline is no earlier than 60 days before or no later than 90 days after
the expiration of the student card.

Training centers of the Ministry of Defense:

Higher Polytechnic School of the Army

Higher Technical School of Naval Weapons Engineers

CUNEF University

ESIC University

IE University

Mondragón Unibertsitatea

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ)

European University Institute of Florence

Distance University of Madrid

Alfonso X El Sabio University

Antonio de Nebrija University

Autonomous University of Barcelona

Autonomous University of Madrid

Camilo José Cela University

Cardenal Herrera University-CEU

University Carlos III of Madrid

Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir

San Antonio Catholic University

Catholic University Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila

Complutense University of Madrid

University of A Coruña

Alcalá University

University of Alicante

Almeria University

University of Barcelona

University of Burgos

Cadiz University

University of cantabria

Castilla-La Mancha university

University of Cordoba

University of Deusto

University of Extremadura

Girona University

University of Granada

University of Huelva

Jaen University

University of La Laguna

University of La Rioja

University of the Hesperides

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

University of Leon

University of Lleida

Malaga University

University of Murcia

university of Navarra

Oviedo University

University of Salamanca

University of Santiago de Compostela

Sevilla University

University of Valladolid

University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia

University of Vigo

Zaragoza’s University

Mid Atlantic University

University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

European University of the Canary Islands

European University of Madrid

European University of Valencia

European University of the Atlantic

Miguel de Cervantes European University

Fernando Pessoa-Canarias University (UFP-C)

Francisco de Vitoria University

International University of Andalusia

International University of La Rioja

Isabel I International University of Castilla

Menéndez Pelayo International University

Villanueva International University

Jaume I University of Castellón

Loyola University Andalusia

Miguel Hernández University of Elche

National University of Distance Education

Pablo de Olavide University

Polytechnic University of Cartagena

Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Polytechnic University of Madrid

Pompeu Fabra University

Comillas Pontifical University

Pontifical University of Salamanca

Public University of Navarra

Ramón Llull University

Rey Juan Carlos University

Rovira i Virgili University

San Jorge University

San Pablo University-CEU

University Technology and Business

Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

University of the Balearic Islands

University of Valencia (General Study)

International University of Catalonia

Valencian International University

Open University of Catalonia

Polytechnic University of Valencia

Other University level educational centers

Academy of Civil Guard Officers

Military academics:

Official teaching and training centers for pilots

Higher Centers of Ecclesiastical Sciences of the Catholic Church Abroad

Adventist Faculty of Theology, in Valencia

Faculty of Canon Law of the Ecclesiastical University of San Dámaso (Madrid)

Faculty of Philosophy of Catalonia (Barcelona)

Faculty of Philosophy of the Ecclesiastical University of San Dámaso (Madrid)

Antonio Gaudí Faculty of History, Archeology and Christian Arts of Catalonia (Barcelona)

San Justino School of Christian and Classical Literature of the San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University(Madrid)

Assembleas de Dios Faculty of Theology, in Córdoba

Faculty of Theology of Catalonia (Barcelona)

Faculty of Theology of Granada

Faculty of Theology of the San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University (Madrid)

Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain (Burgos Headquarters)

Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain (Vitoria Headquarters)

San Esteban Faculty of Theology of the PP. Dominicans of Salamanca

San Vicente Ferrer School of Theology (Valencia)

SEUT Faculty of Theology, in Madrid – United Evangelical Seminary of Theology

International Faculty of Theology IBSTE, in Barcelona – Biblical Institute and Theological Seminary of Spain

UEBE Protestant Faculty of Theology, in Madrid – Evangelical Baptist Union of Spain

If you would like more information regarding Educational institutes in Spain, contact us today!

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